"Nós dois, uma história de amor, unidos no Senhor..."

"Nós dois, uma história de amor, unidos no Senhor..."

quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2012

You can go to pray or contribute

Many have dedicated their lives to God and it is wonderful. It is delightful to see people dedicating their time and talendos the work of God, as I am happy to see young people working in the church worship team, sound, canteens and so many other ministries.

I have many friends who left the comfort of their homes to live in places without luxury, without the minimum conditions of hygiene, health and leisure. And no financial interest as we see in many cases.
They love the work of God and especially love the God's work and pass through difficult moments but many, many wonderful moments, and that only God's servants enjoy.

My friend Nubia is going to Asia (for security does not inform the country because of religious persecution). Before going to need to spend one year in Africa to improve their English. She is now studying the local language, but English will be there imprencindível.
Nubia is only 50% and only keep $ 1,000.00 of $ 5,000.00 needed to go to Africa and the date is next will be in the middle of this year. She has made disclosures in churches, but unfortunately the people of God has closed the vision and hands.
The project is very clear and organized. You are going with a team for APMT.
My desire is that if you have the desire to make an offer, or adopt it as a maintainer contact me: adponci@hotmail.com with it nubiadeoliveira@hotmail.com or simply make a deposit in the account of her love.
Depósito: Núbia Pereira de Oliveira

Banco do Brasil: Ag. 0324-7 C/C 411.180-x

Transferência Online : CPF 897.761.861-49

Depósito: Núbia Pereira de OliveiraAnyone who wants to learn more about the project contact through our e-mails.

(translated by google translator)

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